Outsourcing your financial administration can be a move that has great benefits for you. It allows you to focus entirely on your core task and activities, while you know for sure that you are meeting legal and regulatory requirements in the most tax-efficient way. You can be assured that your administrative processes carry on, even in case of leaves, sick leaves or holidays.


How can we help you?

In your financial administration, you can outsource everything. For example:

  • monthly statutory bookkeeping;
  • monthly reporting to the management;
  • monthly calculation on results, margins, liquidity developments, cost developments and other
  • compilation of financial statements;
  • maintaining financial information according to relevant standards and formats for the purposes of your group reporting.


But what do you outsource, and what do you do yourself? That depends on your needs and the chosen company strategy. In which direction do you want your company to go? How many employees do you have, with what financial knowledge?


In the past, outsourcing was mainly a cost-saving measure. Now, many entrepreneurs outsource financial matters because of the need for continuity, capacity and knowledge.

Some companies have outsourced their entire financial administration. They focus entirely on their core activity and downsize their service departments or fully outsource them.

 You can come to us for a team of highly-qualified accountants and auditors: from a financial controller, who reports directly to management, to a multi-functional unit that is skilled in all aspects of bookkeeping, controlling, and reporting. They manage your accounting and take care of management reporting so that you can concentrate on what you like to do most - entrepreneurship.

Victor Bakalov
Head of Tax and Accounting Department
Victor Bakalov