No matter the size of your business managing your corporate taxes, along with complying with the applicable Bulgarian and international legislation is becoming complicated and costly.

It is essential to put in place an efficient process for managing and optimising your corporate taxes, accompanied by complying with the applicable Bulgarian and international legislation. If the process is proactively managed and handled professionally along the financial year, there is no doubt that you will save money and time.


Our services 

Our highly skilled tax specialists will start to take care of the efficiency of the process related to corporate taxation of your business from the very beginning of our professional relationship.


Our comprehensive tax methods for management and optimisation of corporate taxation applied by our tax team are built in a manner addressing the numerous requirements of the applicable legislation particularly tax authorities. For this reason, the risks of unfavorable outcome of tax audits as well as other administrative proceedings related to corporate taxes, are minimised for you.


You will find we are happy to manage every aspect on the road to achieving tax optimisation and tax compliance for you.


In the list below you can see some of the services we offer to you:

  • Preparation and submission of annual tax returns or tax return referred to any other reporting period depending on the nature of your activity;
  • Calculation of CIT prepayments (monthly or annually) and filing declarations for them;
  • Review of tax returns and tax calculations;
  • Preparation of tax computations;
  • Consultation on tax matters and issues raised during the course of your business;
  • Assistance and dealing with enquiries from the tax administration;
  • Assistance and dealing with CIT Audits and inspections;
  • Support with withholding taxes;
  • Support with taxes on dividends;
  • Support with taxes on shares.
Victor Bakalov
Head of Tax and Accounting Department
Victor Bakalov